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I am Brittany

Hi, I’m Brittany

A.K.A. Britt, Bella, or B
Hello beautiful people!

I’m a wife, mother of two, and full-time professional. I am bold, kind, quirky, humorous, driven, and a free spirit! About three 3 years ago I was blessed with a position as an Information Specialist that gave me the ability to combine my love for Criminal Justice and Library Science into one position, which I have been extremely grateful for.

However, during quarantine it became clear that my calling in this life is more than just being a Librarian. I decided to take my love for writing, wellness and creating natural aromatherapy products to another level and launch my side business; Living Supreme. My journey with wellness and self-care (self-love) started about 4 years ago. I found myself in a space where I quickly but strategically needed to find a self-care routine that suited me to keep my spirit in check.

Living Supreme is about empowering you to practice wellness and self-care in a way that makes sense to you. I created my company because I want to show others and myself that it’s OK to live life on our own terms unapologetically.

Also, starting a business has always been on my mind, but I have talked myself out of it again and again! 2020 was the year, where I said, “This is the year to start, you have the time and those dreams are not going to grow themselves! Living Supreme is ME and my ideas and I get to call the shots and this has been liberating. I know that my calling is to help others on their journey to find authentic wellness however that might look.

I believe that living your authentic self is the ultimate form of self-care!  Because I love creating aromatherapy products for the mind, body, and soul I decided to add products to the business as well! I have been blessed with my tribe of people who have been supportive and have been willing to test my products and provide helpful feedback. This business would not be where it is, if it was not for my trusted tribe of friends and family! I love you all 🙂

Living Supreme is caring for your mind, body and soul on your terms so you can live a delicious, life full of authentic wellness.

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