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Book Review: The Wedding Date

The Wedding Date drew me in from the first page and held my attention to the end.  A modern story with a lead character that is African American, flows like a river and has the perfect dose of humor, love and sexiness.  Sometimes romance books are written with chessy undertones, this was far from cheesy, there was substance. Jasmine Guillory does a delightful job of creating characters that are likable, funny and relatable. If you like romance novels and like reading african american authors I highly recommend this book. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series.

It’s been confirmed …Mary J Blige is a Goddess.

Disclaimer: This concert took place back in August so this should have been posted sometime ago. However, I had to sit in my thoughts and feelings to truly process this experience. So excuse the timing of this blog post. 

Music is just one of my many life lines that keeps me sane. There are some artists whose music has become the soundtrack of my life and Mary J. Blige is one of those artists. So when my best friend asked if I wanted to go, I was thrilled to say the least. I was forever changed at this concert, and I’m beyond grateful I got to experience her concert with Nas, this summer at Fiddler’s Green. I had no idea I would break down and cry like a baby it was like all of my feelings flashed before my eyes and I decided to LET GO of the negativity that has been holding me back.  I have been living my life through societies narrative of me. Mary J Blige’s energy and music allowed me to be me for the night and going forward. The song: My Life is what brought about these feelings.  My body got heavy, I started dancing, my eyes filled with tears, and my body started to “feel” the music. It was as if I was being taken on a ride with the lyrics, the beat and the melody. I sat and marinated in all those feelings that this song brings about. In that moment I had become completely enthralled in the music and decided to have this moment of being entirely raw. Also, realizing I needed to “just be” if only for a minute or two. Mary spoke to me in a way she never has.  

As it has been stated many times before, Mary J is the soundtrack of our (women, black women especially) lives. For us Mary fans,  we have been ride or die with her since the beginning, “What’s the 411”. Her sound, music and stories have never become boring or old. We as fans just continue to connect and relate to her.  This experience was SO powerful, beautiful and uplifting for me.

The icing on the cake was experiencing this with some of my favorite people (bestie, hubby and close friend). As Crystal (bestie) stated: “It was so real and I’m glad I got to share that experience with my friends, I realized how much bullshit I have been through with people. Mary made me realize just how I grateful I am for the tried and true relationships and people”. I could not have said this better. 

Thank you, Mary J or being a fucking goddess and making music that has been just about every brown’s girls therapy, voice and helped us through this crazy thing called life. 

If you just can’t get enough of Mary, like myself…check out “This is Mary J. Blige”playlist on Spotify. 

My Top 5 Book Picks for Self Confidence

I am definitely my worst critic. Yes, I realize this is a trait that is no good for any party involved. But……hey in the words of G.I. Joe, “knowing is half the battle”.  As I continue to struggle with loving me for me, I relish in reading books by women whose confidence and tenacity speaks to me on many levels. These 5 titles shifted how I walk through life, they speak to the chances I decided to take and get the hell out of my own my way and just do the damn thing.   

Becoming by Michelle Obama Michelle discusses her humble beings living in the Southside of Chicago, from her college days at Princeton and then onto Harvard Law School. The sweet tender days of when she met Barack Obama while he was interning at Sidley Austin the same law firm she worked at. Then onto becoming the First Lady of the United States for eight years. Michelle Obama did this all with smarts, poise and tenacity, after reading this I felt as though I could run for President (not really) but you get the point. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with self-worth, confidence or if you just wanna continue being the badass that you are. 

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes – I have got three words: READ THIS BOOK!! This book is for any and everyone who at some point did not believe in themselves or talked themselves out of doing something they wanted to do, but was afraid. Shonda’s witty and quirky sense of humor added a realness to the novel that I was not expecting. I listened on audio ( read by Shonda), and I was constantly nodding my head in agreement most of the time. Familiarly I have found myself in similar situations or I agreed with what she was saying. Once I finished this book, I felt as though there was not anything I could not accomplish…as long as I took a chance on myself and said YES! 

True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself by Janet Jackson– I’m not even gonna lie, it has been a while since I read this book, so I’m pretty stale at remembering a lot of this. But, If you know and love, Janet…Ms. Jackson if you nasty, story like I do, you know how much she has struggled with self-love, confidence and loss. Janet fan or not, just read it, you will finish it feeling pretty badass and that is what matters. 

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero – I began reading this book in the first couple of weeks of new job. The job I left, I was supposed to retire from but my journey lead me elsewhere. Although, this new position was taking me back to my Criminal Justice roots, I was the new kid on the block and that was a struggle at first. Reading this book, provided me with the confidence and insight to realize, I spend a lot of time talking myself out of things instead of just…doing. This quote resonated with me: “ All of us are connected to this limitless power and most of us aren’t using but a fraction of it”. Reading this gave me a much clearer view point of how to love myself and to stop doubting my greatness.

A New Model: What confidence, Beauty, and Power Really Look Like by Ashley Graham – I LOVED this book! As someone who has struggled with body confidence my whole life, this book was the sweet nothings whispering in my ear; that I too am beautiful and desirable. Ashley has some great advice for me, girls and women everywhere. This is a book I will continue to reference as a reminder to feel confident inside and out. One of my favorite quotes:  “No matter what your size, you are a sexy goddess. Remember that.”

My First Time At A Speakeasy

My first time experiencing Williams & Graham a speakeasy,  was just short of mind blowing (honestly). I had no idea what I was getting myself into as I walk in place that looks similar to a small bookstore. My husband and I were asked what name we go by, along with our photo ID’s. Once we were ready to go in, the hostess, pushes the top corner of the book shelf and we were lead into a quaint, dimly lit (almost dark) cozy space, where people are engaging in conversations, enjoying craft cocktails being made by some pretty handsome and good at their job bartenders. Needless to say,  I immediately fell in love with the vibe and energy of this place. They make wonderful, palette teasing cocktails, that are smooth going down and unique in taste. I appreciated that we were called by the name we gave the hostess the whole time we were there, this made it feel even more personable and intimate. I will spare you, me going on and on about this place. However,  if you are looking for a great date night, girl’s night or just want to try something new, I highly recommend Williams & Graham.

Review: We’re Going to Need More Wine: Stories

We're Going to Need More Wine: Stories We’re Going to Need More Wine: Stories by Gabrielle Union
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gabrielle Union is one of my favorite actresses and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to her biography. Her candid, honest, compelling and sometimes snarky memoir grabbed my attention instantly. Gabrielle openly talks about her struggles with being an African American actress, her horrific sexual assault, going to private lavish parties thrown by the iconic Prince, how she and her husband (Dwayne Wade) met, growing up in a predominately white community and loosing one of childhood friends to breast cancer. There was nothing off limits, being an African American women who went to a predominately white private school, early on in life, there were many stories of Union’s that I could relate to. Every topic discussed in this memoir was relatable in some way, but what really stuck out for me, was her constant struggle with needing to be accepted by others. I too have struggled with this, and like Gabrielle Union discovered, it is truly living your life for you and the people that truly matter. With that said, I highly recommend this book.

P.S. If you are able to listen…do so, you will not regret it!

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Review: You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain

You Can't Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had me intrigued the moment I read the title. As that statement….”you can’t touch my hair” has been stated by just about every African American women in the world. I liked a few things about this, amusing and thought-provoking collection of essays. To be a black women in American means, you have to contend with old prejudices, crazy stereotypes and other absurdities. Phoebe uses her wit to examine our cultural climate and she does this with humor and great character. My suggestion is to listen to this book, as she is the narrator and pulls you in from the very first page.

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Review: The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Currently, I’m on a light read kick and this book was a refreshing read! I enjoy that the characters are likable and sassy. I also like that her stories are not conventional, meaning the super hot professional baseball player falls hard for the average women….who actually has substance and meat on her bones. Of course there are bumps in the road as any relationship…it can’t all be magic. But, if you are looking for a light, enjoyable, feel-good read, I definitely recommend this book

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Why we need to talk about 13 Reasons Why

Wow. I just finished watching 13 reasons why on Netflix which is based on the book written by Jay Asher. I read the book back in 2013 and was floored by how exceptional it was. So, when I found out Netflix was bringing it to life in movie form, I knew it was on the top of my list to watch immediately.

Image result for 13 reasons why season

I know there are a lot of opinions about this series and whether or not it glamorizes suicide and it not bringing to light mental health issues.  However, that was not my take away after watching.  I think every parent and teen need to watch this series.  I must say, this series was so good my husband and I watched three episodes a night as this story draws you in from the first episode. My husband didn’t read the book, and he was hooked after the first episode as well. This is the story of a high school girl who decides to end her life, I’m pleased this particular book was made into a movie series, as this is a story that needs to be told. Mental illness, rape culture and suicide is something that has become all too familiar  and I believe it’s always necessary to bring awareness to issues that, either we have struggled with or someone that we know my have struggled with. I agree that mental illness should have been brought to the forefront, my hope is that the second season will touch on this.  The series provides a very real and dark reality into a lot of what teens are going through in high school and how cruel and fucked up kids can be to one another.  At this age, I contemplate if teens fully understand what mental illness is and where to turn for guidance. According to the Center for Disease Control, suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens and that roughly 16 percent reported seriously considering suicide. This statistic is unsettling and quite alarming if you ask me and the stats on rape are even worse, according to roughly 44 percent of rape victims are below the age of 18 and almost 92 percent of all teen rape victims know their attackers. Our children are being raped, bullied, slut shamed, contemplate suicide and feel so hopeless they go through with the act should not be the norm, but sadly it is. I know for many people the subject of suicide, mental health and rape are taboo subjects and we would rather not discuss this reality, however it just might be the conversation that needs to be had. This series has created a conversation around these tough issues and we all may not agree, that is clear with the backlash this movie has received. I still view this as a win, because we are at the very least talking about it. I dislike how this country always tends to shy away from the heavy conversations and want to sweep shit under the rug, these stats don’t lie, as parents, educators, friends, family we must wake-up and pay attention to what is going on with our children and ask the tough questions, talk and simply be there for our children so they do not become another statistic.

 Related Articles:

’13 Reasons Why’ is affecting America’s classrooms. 
Teachers tell their stories

13 Reasons Why’ Is a Huge Success, and an Even Bigger Source of Controversy

Review: Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have got three words: READ THIS BOOK!! This book is for any and everyone who at some point did not believe in themselves or talked themselves out of doing something they wanted to do, but was to afraid. Shonda’s witty and quirky sense of humor added a realness to the novel that I was not expecting. As I listened on audio (which was read by Shonda), I found myself nodding my head in agreement most the time. As I had found myself in similar situations or I agreed with what she was saying. Once I finished this book, I felt as though, there was not anything I could not accomplish…as long as I took a chance on myself and said YES!

P.S. I recommend listening, as I think you will get more out of it, and feel more compelled to start your own..year of yes, I know I did!

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