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Self-Care Package: A Present For Your Soul

This past week I sold my first supreme self-care package. A dear friend of mine wanted one for her friend who is going through a tough time. Putting this together was an absolute treat, I thoughtfully picked items that would help her friend find some calm among the storm. My vision with these packages is to put together product/s that can be used for everyday self-care, utilize local businesses as my vendors and are priced affordably. I believe self-care is what makes your soul happy; expensive or non expensive. At Living Supreme, my goal is to create natural self-care products that are nice to the pockets. 

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Coronavirus Is No Joke, But We Got This: Resources to Overcome COVID-19

Hey, Beautiful People, I just wanted to post a quick blog to offer some resources/information to help you get through this time of uncertainty.  COVID-19 or the Rona as I call it, has caused complete disruption to all of our lives. And I’m not even going to sit here and tell you I have not been dealing with some depression and anxiety about this because I have. However, if there is any comfort, it is knowing I’m not alone in this and we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. It is my belief that we will be ok and my hope is that as a society we can take this break and come back and be stronger, and learn to love each other in a way that has never happened to before. I have tried to take this time to be still, work on those projects that have been on the back burner, exercise everyday and stay connected to my friends and family as much as possible. It has definitely been an adjustment getting used to this new normal. With that said, I would like to provide some reliable resources that will be of assistance and get you through this unsettling time.  

General Info – These websites will be accurate and informational

CDC – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

World Health Organization

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Wellness- Taking care of ourselves right now is critical

Self-Care During the Pandemic

Meditate, Exercise, Limit Social Media: 12 Expert-Approved Ways to Manage Coronavirus Anxiety

How to stay fit and active at home during the coronavirus self-isolation

Remote Productivity: How to Stay Focused While Working From Home

Movement – Thankfully there are a nice variety of exercise options that are streaming.

Elevate Yoga

Schedule is listed on class schedule

CorePower Yoga

Bar Method – Stapleton

For new clients you can purchase 2 weeks of online barre classes.


Zumba w/ Jurea Myles 

Jurea is a fabulous, energetic and super welcoming instructor here is her usual schedule. But check her out on YouTube for the time being. I believe she is working on more content…so stay tuned! 

Central Park Rec Center – Monday (7:15-8:15) 

Central Park Rec Center – Thursday (6:45-7:45)

Central Park Rec Center – Saturday (10:45-11:45) 

Reese & Cooper Chilling

For the Littles – There are so many great resources for the kiddos online, it would be too much to list here. 

P.E. with Joe

Squiggle Park

Phone-a-Story,  provided by the Denver Public Library

Khan Academy

National Geographic Kids

More Info

The Stay Inside Guide to Denver

50 Things you Need to Make Staying Home Easier While Social Distancing

Denver Public Library

The Denver Public Library has a ton of resources to keep you and your family busy. Streaming movies, music (local artists), story-times (I believe), OverDrive and much more.


If music is your medicine like me, many artists are doing free online concerts. Check their social media pages for more info. One of my fav’s right now is #ClubQuarantine by DJ D-Nice if you have not jammed out with him, you are missing out. Follow him on Instagram. 

Do you have a Spiritual Maintenance Plan?

Photo courtesy of Orion Robinson

Living Supreme is here to inspire and support women to love themselves, and I believe finding your own self-care routine that suits you is the key to keeping your spirit in check. I want to share the practices and rituals that keep my spirit in check. I was recently listening to a podcast on Super Soul Conversations with Oprah Winfrey and Iyanla Vanzant. Iylana spoke about having a spiritual maintenance plan. A plan you have set aside when life gives you everyday challenges or unexpected challenges beyond your control. I immediately thought….Shit, I need one of these myself.  

I try to follow this plan almost everyday, not just when I’m in crisis. This plan consist of: listening to an uplifting podcast, currently that is Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, reading a quote that speaks to me (I have started keeping a journal of quotes that resonate with me and I go back later and read them),  I do my daily check-in on the Shine app (this is a paid service, I signed up when they had a really good deal). I like this app because it provides a 6-7min talk about the theme for the day and it provides a small meditation. It is a quick check-in and reflection to start the day and it helps keep me grounded throughout the day.  I also try to meditate at night before bed.

 In addition, you will find a list below of activities that feed my soul. To switch things up, I plan to post a video discussing some of these activities or me doing some in action. I think this will be a fun way to promote things that I do to stay living supreme. 

  • Read/Listen to books, and podcasts
  • Listen to music/attend concerts
  • Exercise ( The Bar Method, Zumba and Yoga)
  • Drink tea (I love trying new teas and get them from everywhere, but one of my favorite places is The Spice and Tea Exchange)
  • Hot baths or showers w/music of course
  • Cook
  • Travel
  • Use essential oil spritzers
  • Blog
  • Make skincare products & self-care packages
  • Mediate (I use the Insight Timer app for guided meditations)
  • I’m here for any type of spa like pampering (massages, manicures, pedicures etc..)
  • Hang out with my husband w/o the kids.
  • Spend time with my kids and family
  • Rejuvenate with mountain time
  • Get together with my friends. (sometimes I need to share space with my girls to feel grounded, revive my energy and let my hair down).

Please be on the look-out for my videos and if you need ideas on how to come up with your own spiritual maintenance plan feel free to reach out!! 

Love YOU

“I am imperfect and yet my imperfections, like any great work of art, are what makes me a masterpiece”. -Kelsey Silver

For as long as I can remember, I have had this love/hate relationship with my body. When I was in middle school the struggle was,  itching to go through puberty and fill out, as I was a skinny Minnie for a few years. Once I started filling out a little, needless to say, I was pleased. Once I got to high school,  I actually embraced my petite, thick frame and so did the fellas and if I’m being honest, it helped that the opposite sex found me appealing as well. As much as we women try to not allow men’s opinions of how we look interfere, it does. I think that is human nature to want to be found attractive by other people especially the opposite sex. However, the older I get it has become more clear to me that what should really matter, especially for us women, is the importance of us having a healthy relationship with our bodies. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task, at least not for most of us. More power to you women who are content with your body and do not give a damn. My goal is to be like you….someday.

Sadly, societies unrealistic and fake ideals of how we women should look, do not help this task become any easier. It seems like for us women no matter what we do, someone will always have something to say about how we look: too skinny, too fat, too tall, too short, and the list goes on.  When we start to embrace our beauty and who we are, I believe we become more empowered. Trying to live up to these unrealistic ideals of what someone else thinks we should look like,  is a waste of time and energy we could use elsewhere.  I recently, read an article about the actress Gabby Sidibe and she talks about being ridiculed for loosing too much weight. Really? She looses weight and she looses too much, but she was also too fat…..see what I’m getting at? We can’t fucking win.  It has been stories like these along with others that have made me take a step back and reevaluate the relationship I have with my body.

As I have grown older, birthing two beautiful babies and three major abdominal surgeries and sometimes not the best choices of food (life is too the cake or have the glass of wine, in moderation) my body is certainly not what it used to be. I struggle everyday to make the right food choices and make sure I get some type of exercise, that is why, I decided to join Weight Watchers, I wanted to change my eating and be more mindful of what and how much goes in my body. What I like about this program, is that I’m not starving myself….if you have seen me hungry that shit is not good for anybody, so mamas gotta eat.  By doing this program and adding an exercise regime (thanks to my life coach) to my schedule I’m slowly starting to have a better relationship with my body. In the more recent years I have struggled with self acceptance. Funny enough, I think I have struggled more with this now, than when I was in middle and high school. It seemed back then, I didn’t have the self-doubt that I have now.

 As of recent I put too much energy in trying to live up to a standard that was not meant  for me.  I became too wrapped up in wanting to look like someone else or wishing that my body was different.  We were all created different for a reason, how boring would it be if all looked the same and strived to look like the next girl. Booorring. Trust me ladies, I know it is hard to not get caught up in the beauty and weight rat race, but it is much better for our mental state to just be as healthy as we can and embrace what God gave us, there is a reason he made us all different shapes, sizes, and shades and we are ALL BEAUTIFUL.

Model Ashley Graham and actress Dacha Polanco (who plays; Dayanara Diaz on Orange is the New Black) have been true inspirations for me starting embrace my changed body and they way I view my beauty.  Deciding to follow these two women on Instagram has been one of the best things I could have done to boost my confidence.  Ashley Graham, #slays all the time. Her confidence, style and presence have showed me that we can all be beautiful and not be a size 2. Dacha always posts these beautiful photos of her embracing who she is, I find this kind of confidence a breath of fresh air and contagious.

The moral of this story is, love you and all of you, mind, body & soul. Do things that make you feel good, do things that make you feel pretty, sexy,  and work on being the healthiest version of you and everything else will fall into place.

Please join the conversation ladies or even men. Let me know in the comments your views/struggles with you loving your body or anything else you want to share!

My Struggle with Postpartum Depression…yes, black women struggle with it as well

Recently, model, TV show personality and wife to John Legend, Chrissy Teigen revealed that she suffered from Postpartum Depression. After reading her story in Glamour magazine, I felt compelled to share my struggle with the disease.  According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 8 women suffer from this, although this number was shocking, I was not surprised. Rewind to 8 years ago, when I brought my sweet baby-girl Reese home from the hospital, I was excited to be a mom, but there was also a sadness, I could not explain. My husband had taken off some time from work to be with Reese and I, I enjoyed this time while he was at home with us.

However, once my husband went back to work, the sadness, and anxiety set in. I had no energy to do anything but take care of Reese, (in hindsight, I’m blessed for this) I planted myself on the couch and would just watch her sleep. I would  just sit there and think about, how much my life had changed, will I be a good mother, the responsibility of taking care of another person, will I ever be attractive again,  with all these thoughts, the anxiety was suffocating to say the least. I vividly remember a situation where I lost it, sadly in front of company. I fed Reese before people arrived, so she would be nice and full for visits. Well, that didn’t do the trick like I thought, she was crying uncontrollably and I  had no idea what could have been wrong (new mom shit) of course, my mother-in-law gave her a bottle (BAM…that was what she wanted). By this time I felt like everything was closing in as we had, had visitors all day.  Of course by this time, other friends had come over and I was done and basically had a melt down in front of everyone. For days, I felt horrible about this and had no idea what was going on with me. The sadness and anxiety lasted for about 2-3 months, until I was sitting in our tiny apartment with the blinds closed all dark and gloomy.  In that moment I made the decision  to tackle my issue, I got off the couch opened the blinds put on music that reminded me of when my husband and I first started dating, (when I felt attractive) and started to take my life back. I cooked dinner, cleaned our apartment, took a shower and tried to start getting back into the swing of things.  I was still unaware, that I might be struggling with postpartum depression and looking back,  it was also hard to admit that was my issue, because I had always thought that only happens when you are really crazy like Susan Smith, the crazy lady who drowned her own children and blamed it on someone else. Sadly, I think this is the feeling of a lot of women….”this could never be me”. However, I have come to realize that recognizing your issue is half the battle.

 Forward 8 years… with my second child, I knew immediately what I was going through, and was more open about it this time around. Looking back, I think being honest and truthful with what I was going through helped me deal with it a little more gracefully this time around. After my son was born, I was able to recognize the feelings and allowed myself to go through it and not judge myself this time around. The fact that, I was able to say, ” I have postpartum depression” made it much easier to deal with. My struggle this time around was not as dark and daunting as last time. I had some sad and anxiety ridden moments,  but I was able to work through those because, this was familiar to me and I knew I had to be there for two children this time around instead of one. My advice for anyone dealing with Postpartum depression, be honest with yourself, ask for help and seek help. You are not crazy, there is nothing wrong with you, becoming a mom for the first time is honestly probably the most overwhelming thing you will do and you will need help at some point, and that is okay.

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