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Happy New Year: Bring on 2018

As 2017 comes to a close, I want to share and talk a little bit about an article I read, titled ” 8 Things to Leave Behind in 2017 (So You Can Have the Best 2018 Ever)  Of course this article laid out things that seem presumptuous in creating more peace for ourselves,  but for some reason having them broken down simply, struck a cord with me. Before reading this article, all eight of these things discused, had already made my to-do list for the New Year.  However, the one thing that spoke to me the most was…stop comparing ourselves to other people on social media. I think as humans, it is natural to compare ourselves to others on social media and this has to stop!  One thing I have learned, is that, we never see or hear the back story of a post or know the true situation. I think in order for the comparing to stop, we must take our time away from swimming in the social media pool.  In 2018, this is just one of the many things I’m choosing to do less, as I think taking a step back from social media and not comparing yourself to others is good food for the soul.  I believe it allows more time and energy for self-reflection, time with loved ones and to simply Let it Be.

In addition, I came across an article, that spoke about the specific zodiac signs (yes, I’m a hippie and believe in zodiac signs) and what we should be focusing on in the New Year. The article stated that for a person who is an Aries, we should start focusing on the relationships in our lives that have deep meaning and less time on the ones that are surface. Again, this struck me as something I need to pay attention to. In the past, I have focused on relationships that I have not always served me well. I have sought for friendships that I felt like I needed or wanted for various reasons. However, I have been in situations this past year, that have made me realize, (Aha moments) I may not fit into every situation or make friends with everyone and, it is OKAY, the world will not come to end if I don’t always vibe with someone. With that said, I have made it a goal in 2018 to focus on those relationships in the New Year, that truly breathe life into me and vice versa. I believe that it is our responsibilty as human beings to live our best life, love deeply, do what makes our souls feel joyous and live without regret! My goal is to make 2018, one of the best years yet, as I truly want to breathe life into myself, spiritually, physically, mentally, and put more energy into my career path and family. In doing this, I have realized that the burdens that took over my mind in 2017 no longer have a place to rest, I’m washing them away to begin anew.

If you have get a moment, please check out the articles I have linked above and let me know if these ideals and thoughts hit home with you, or even share some of your goals and what you want to be different in 2018, that you may have struggled with in 2017.

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right” – Oprah Winfrey

Happy New Year!!!

P.S. Take advantage of the first supermoon of 2018 🙂


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