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Re-writing your own Narrative takes guts thankfully, that is one thing I have.

Myself and my little munchkins in Aspen, Colorado @ Sundeck Mountain

Since I graduated from grad school in 2014, I have wanted to start and maintain a blog. However, my first pass at this was not what I had envisioned for myself or my blog. So, I took some time away from writing or sharing and the past 6-8 months I have revamped and put more passion into this. What I’m realizing is, Living Supreme is my narrative, I get to tell my story unapologetically from my own point of view.  

Parallel thigh (barre exercise) in Grand Lake, Colorado

As an African American woman, I feel everyone takes it upon themselves to write our narratives for us. We are constantly put into a box that is full of stereotypes and derogatory ideals that I refused to be defined by going forward. For me Living Supreme is sharing and writing about my experiences, and journey about what it means for me to live a supreme life. Their might be times when I will discuss topics that are tough to talk about, but for the most part, I intend to share and spread positivity. Living Supreme is about; self-care, cooking, sports, family life, traveling, holidays, music, and reading all of the things and more that feed my soul. I’m here for things that are uplifting, empowering, positive and serve me well. I’m over being put in a box and allowing others to have a say in my narrative. This blog is my life in my words. 

Living Supreme

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